The Lizzie Wade Weekly has moved

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My Substack archives, running from June 30, 2019 to December 3, 2023, will remain available. However, if you subscribe on Substack after December 10, 2023, you won’t receive future emails.

Who’s Lizzie Wade?

I’m a writer and science journalist, focusing on archaeology, anthropology, how we imagine and construct the past, and why it matters for building a better present and future. I’m currently writing a nonfiction book, under contract with Harper, about apocalypses in the human past and how they made us who we are today.

I’m a contributing correspondent for Science, and my work has also appeared in Slate, The Atlantic, Wired, and many other publications. I’m from southern California, and I live in Mexico City.

I’m represented by Sarah Levitt at Aetivas Creative.

What’s The Lizzie Wade Weekly?

This is a newsletter about what I’m doing, thinking, writing, reading, watching, and obsessing over. I come here to have fun with writing, so I endeavor to keep it open and flexible enough to share whatever's on my mind. You might recognize it as “a blog.”

Common themes include the value of rest, the ups and downs of writing, the problems with productivity culture, and how colonialism ruins everything.

This newsletter is also the best way to keep up with the stories I publish and the book I’m working on. I’m not on social media, so this is where I share my personal and professional updates, as well as behind-the-scenes stories about how I get my work done.

How do I sign up?

Click here to subscribe on Buttondown.

I am no longer using Substack. If you subscribe here, you won’t receive future emails.

I publish on Sundays, as close to weekly as I can, considering I’m a human being who takes breaks and gets sick sometimes. Every new issue will arrive in your inbox for free. I don’t charge for subscriptions or additional content at this time.

If you like what you read, please forward it to a friend. Your recommendations are how this newsletter grows.

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